Still Loading Podcast

A podcast for lovers of all things video games and video game history

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Oh my Blog!

Hello all this is Josh and welcome to the Still Loading blog!


This is going to serve as some additional gaming content for all of you who follow the podcast or my social media posts. As creator of Still Loading I have been wanting to do this for quite a while. The main thing stopping me from starting up the blog was just time and energy. And maybe a little bit of motivation problems as well. But to combat those problems I’ve enlisted some of my friends who like to write and also love video games.

Starting tomorrow and continuing every Friday new content will be posted to this blog. I’m planning on having it cover a wide variety of gaming topics. Some topics maybe aren’t big enough to devote a full episode of the podcast to, (and trust me you’ve seen episodes of mine where there isn’t a lot to talk about) so I wanted to start up this blog finally to be able to devote at least a little something to those topics.

Now I want to stress this. I am not a writer. Writing has never been one of my strong suits. My grammar is not the greatest and I tend to write how I speak which doesn’t really help my poor grammar skills. Thankfully you will not be hearing only my voice on this blog. I mentioned in the first paragraph that I have a few friends who agreed to help

Andy Landis: Website, Twitter - Andy is the author of the book The Unknown Hunt (Available on Amazon!) and has been a lifelong video game fanatic.

Vin Barratta: Vin is an animator and illustrator with a passion for video games and their history.

I am still going to be looking for more contributors to join our little team but I am beyond happy to have my friends joining me on this endeavor and I hope you all enjoy the new content too!